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Christian Relationship With Israel

Christian- Relationship -With- Israel
Exodus 19: 5-6

"So now, if you truly listen to My words and keep My covenants, then you will become My own favorite treasure out of all the nations, for I am the owner of the whole earth.

You will become to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are all the words which you shall speak to the Israelites."

Recently there have been two viewpoints of Israel among Christians in the world:

1. The first view condemns Israel for its actions so far, especially when it attacks Lebanon.

2. Supporting Israel blindly, despite the fact that Israel kills many civilians.

In general Christians in the world feel a bond with Israel. This is because the Christian God namely Jesus Christ come from Israel, and His holy book (Old Testament) is the same as the holy book of the Israelites. Likewise, the recognized prophets, even their ancestors all came from Israel.

In fact, when viewed from the history of the nation of Israel in the Bible, God has repeatedly said that this nation is a hard-necked nation, a nation that has always left YHWH and worshiped the gods of other nations. Again, and again God punished this nation, and finally this nation was finally scattered throughout the earth.

However, the question is whether God, who always keeps His promises and always keeps His Word has indeed left Israel? Has YHWH canceled His choice of this nation?

May it not be, God has never withdrawn His words about Israel, that this nation is indeed His chosen nation, God has never replaced the Israelites with other nations in this world, they are still God's chosen people, even God is present on earth and incarnated as human beings born of the nation of Israel.

Because of God's deep wrath, this nation has become the most miserable nation on earth. Since ancient times they have been chased, exiled and even killed by other nations. But what the Gentiles did was an extension of God's hand to punish His chosen nation.

If we read from the Bible, we see that God used other nations to punish Israel, but God also used His strong hands to punish the nations that troubled the Israelites. 

Even the return of Israel from the land of the North and the establishment of the state of Israel are written in the Bible.

 The Apostle Paul emphasized that the Israelites were still God's chosen people in

Romans 11: 1 - NT

"I asked: Has God banished His own people? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, and from the tribe of Benjamin."

and continued with this verse:

Romans 11: 28-29 - NT

"Because the Jews did not want to accept the Good News from God, they became enemies of God; and that was an advantage for the brothers who were not Jews. But because of God's choice, the Jews were still loved by God for the sake of their ancestors. For if God chooses a person and blesses him, God will never take back what He has done."

God never canceled His choice of Israel, and if God never canceled His choice would we dare to curse the nation chosen by God, are we really better than Israel?

Isn't our attitude in everyday life the same as the attitude of the Israelites, even though God have repeatedly helped us in this life, but we still grumble to God when help or something we hope for does not come true.

Even though God has repeatedly shown miraculous things in our lives, we still grumble. We often do not give thanks and give thanks for what God has given us; we always ask for more blessings from God?

So, what is the difference between us and the Israelites? Ok, we feel better than them because we have Jesus, which they don't acknowledge. Then ... do our daily attitudes reflect life as followers of Jesus?

Never mind people who with other religions, we fight with each other. Is that the life taught by our Lord Jesus Christ? Remember JESUS Himself said "MANY ARE CALLED LITTLE ARE CHOOSEN".

My brothers, let us see for ourselves, are we really better than the Israelites? The author does not want to defend the Israelites. In fact, the author does not like the ways the Israelites solve a problem by bombing blindly, but the author knows that this nation is God's chosen nation.

They have a LORD whom we also worship, and their GOD who is also our LORD is not a DEAD GOD or a DEAF GOD, NO !!!,

Our God is a living God, God also always pays attention to His chosen nation. So, should we act on behalf of God and curse His chosen nation?

By doing this means we want to say that we are greater than God, we also want to say that God is dead and will not do anything to the Israelites .... What a great thing you’re thinking ... HAVE you assessed your own life? ???? are you live properly before GOD of ISRAEL??

The author sees that many Christians in Indonesia today have become henpecked heroes, because they are afraid of being persecuted by the "servant girl's daughter", so they join in in condemning Israel, even though their own fellow believers, fellow Indonesians who live not far from them, whose churches are burned, closed, the congregation persecuted and even killed, the mouths of those who curse Israel are silent.


There are even some Christian blogs and websites that even blame the Bible, saying that those who defend Israel usually carry around verses in the Book of Romans, WELL, then what Bible do you use?

Do you realize that what the Word of God says is what we do, there is no verse in the Bible that tells us to curse Israel, even more to curse Israel, to curse people is not allowed ...? (That's why our nation has become a cursed nation, because we are fond of cursing)

Brother, do not try to disturb the nation chosen by God, let us pray that Israel does not blindly attack a country, we bring our prayers to the throne of FATHER in heaven, we ask FATHER to intervene with his wayward son? If necessary, we fasting prayer begs the FATHER to change the hearts of the leaders of Israel.

In my opinion, we don't need to take sides or condemn the Israelites, let GOD do the work, REMEMBER HIM, the God of ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB.

AND most importantly PUT YOUR BROTHERS IN FAITH FIRST, ONE NATION, ONE COUNTRY, LIVE TOGETHER ON THIS INDONESIAN EARTH. Don't go too far to condemn other nations that you not know. Ameen

Exodus 3: 6

"Again, He said," I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. "Then Moses covered his face, because he was afraid to look at God."

Jesus loves you and whole your family

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