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Blue Print From Heaven

blue print-from-heaven
During the final judgment, each human being will be summoned one by one to determine the reward or punishment he must receive from God Almighty. Below is an imaginary scene from the final trial

Example 1:

There was someone named Tasya from the village of Ciulenyi, Garut who was called forward to stand trial by an angel of God:

Angel of God :

“Architect Tasya from Ciulenyi village, Garut, come forward!


“Sorry angel, I am Tasya from Ciulenyi, but I am an evangelist, not an architect, is it true that I was called?

Angel of God

Yes, you are indeed the architect of Tasya, hurry forward!!!

Example 2:

Angel of God:

“Pastor Samuel, from the village of Klintir, Tegal, come forward!”

Samuel :

“Sorry angel, I'm Samuel from Klintir village, but I'm an accountant, not a priest ...”

Angel of God:

“Yes, that's right, you are Samuel's pastor, hurry forward!!!”

That's a glimpse of the final trial we will receive later. Every human being will be called one by one to be asked about all his actions during live in the world, and it will also be seen whether the human lives accordance with God's plan or not.

Before the world was made, everyone had a blueprint for his life in the world.

The Final Court Scene Continues:

1. Court for Tasya


“Tasya why are you become an evangelist?”


“I want to serve YOU, Lord ... aren't there many people who have become followers of YOU, because of my teaching to that person? And I have always been faithful in carrying out YOUR teachings....”


“Tasya, you are planned to be a great architect, where you will later make great churches. And later they will be filled with people who seek ME, because you are planned to build buildings

With MY special anointing, so that people who come to the church will always feel peace, and feel MY presence there ..., and MY presence will always be in the church you build.


“Why don't you do what I have planned, but make your own plans, look, only 500 people you invite to become MY followers, if you become an architect you will build a church that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and many of them will repent. “.

2. Court for Samuel


“Samuel, why are you being an accountant, do you actually know your calling to be an evangelist?”


“I know God, but my father told me to study abroad to take MBA and finance, I am not allowed to be an evangelist as God calls me.”


“After your papa died, why did you remain an accountant and lead your papa's company?”


“Lord, hasn't my company given you a lot of offerings for your evangelism? Aren't there many servants of God that my company has sponsored to come to Indonesia to hold KKR and evangelism.”


Samuel, the donation from your company, only results in the conversion of 1000 people, whereas if you become an evangelist from ME, you will bring 10,000 people to become MY followers.

The above verse says about human, that before man was formed, God had determined what that person would become.

Still confused, huh .... as I said that man consists of spirit, soul and body. A spiritual man is a person whose life is based on the spirit, while the human spirit is led by the Spirit of God.

God created man to worship and glorify God's name and carry out all the plans that God has made for him. Unfortunately, many humans don't know this, so they live by their own plans not according to God's blueprint.

From the imaginary scene above, we know that actually as people who were created by God, we should carry out the plans that God had designed for us before the world was made. Do you want to know the verse?

Jeremiah 1: 5

"Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you, and before you came out of the womb, I sanctified you, I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."

Jesus loves you and whole your family

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