Are Christian Party Allowed?
When they do campaigns they are not campaigning but doing revival services. Currently the party is experiencing divisions, and what is even more remarkable is that this party also forged the signature of one of its administrators (according to Christian tabloids).
This paper does not review the party that claims to be a Christian party, but I only try to explain whether we Christians are indeed allowed to establish a political party where the party is on behalf of Christianity.
Christian means "followers of Christ" so the meaning of Christian political
party means "followers of Christ political party". Here we use the name of
our Lord to participate in political activities in Indonesia. Is it true
that our Lord Jesus suggested or ordered His followers to use His name and
do politics?
I hope we are here to distinguish between political people and the people carrying the name of Jesus politically. God never forbids people from doing work in politics. For more details, we look at God's words about the power in the world or about the government in the world
Romans 13:1
" Everyone must obey the government, because there is no government that does not get its power from God. And the government that exists today, exercises its power at the command of God"
Romans 13:2
"That's why people who oppose the government are the same as opposing what God has decreed. And those who do so will receive punishment"
Now it's clearer, what the Bible says about government and what is our
attitude toward the ruling government. The Bible clearly says we as
Christians must submit to the government above us. What I do know is that
the Christian political party above are not subservient to the government
but in the House of Representatives they are taking a stand as "opposition
to the government", or opponents of the government.
You can draw your own conclusion as to whether the attitude taken by the political party is contrary to the Bible or not.
As I said above, in the Bible there is no prohibition against people who carry out political activities, what is prohibited is against the government above it. Want to know more reasons from God why we as Christians should not go against our government. This is the verse:
Colossians 1:16
"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or rulers; all things were created by him and for him "
From the verse above it is clear that the current government, including the one in Indonesia, has been designed by heaven. God created the government. God has chosen who will sit as president, who will sit as assistants to the president. All people who sit in institutions in Indonesia, whether executive, legislative and judicial, are people who have been placed by God to sit in their positions.
So if we as Christians, take a position as "opposition" to our own government, it's the same as saying to God, "I reject YOUR choice", or we want to say "Your choice is wrong, O LORD", who are you to reject God's more Romans 13:1-2.
Regarding the reasons why we should not establish political parties that carry the name of Jesus, our LORD and SAVIOR, the reasons are as follows.
1. We must remember when Jesus was hailed by people, so that He would be made king. He refused. If the Lord Jesus wants to be king. He could have been king of Rome at that time.
2. We must remember who our God is he is "King of Kings"
Ephesians 1:21
"much higher than all rulers and rulers and dominions and kingdoms and every name that can be called, not only in this world but also in the world to come"
It is clear who our God is. Is it possible for our Lord to participate in a political campaign to gain power? Why does He tell his followers to seek power, when all power comes from Him.
Is it not that by participating in campaigning and carrying the name of
Jesus in political campaigns, we have lowered our Lord into a God who does
not have any power, so His followers have to beg the people so that the
JESUS party will get votes.
The reasons given by those who sell the name of Jesus so that they get power are:
1. Daniel also became a man of power, and he was also political
My answer is simple, Daniel never founded a political party and used the name YHWH in order to get a position in the Babylonian kingdom.
2. Joseph also became a powerful man in Egypt.
My answer is the same as above.
3. Defending Christians in Indonesia
Hahaha...... cliche answer, only JESUS can defend HIS followers. We will see after the party that claims to be a Christian party holds several seats in the DPR (House of Representative), whether there is a change in Christian life in Indonesia? Yes there is....CHRISTIANITY is getting worse...Churches are closed, Pastors are killed, God's people are being persecuted....GOD does not need to be defended, God can defend HIMSELF.
Let’s say as Christians (self-introspection) the economic crisis in
Indonesia began with the BLBI (Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance) case.
Let's see how many of these BLBI corruptors in the religion column on their
ID cards are written as Christian or Catholic.
How many tens of million dollars did they carry, (and they either escaped or got light sentences or went free according to the judge.)
For now, brothers, look at the corruptors who plundered Indonesia, the LC BNI case, the Bank Mandiri case, see what their religion is....., and brothers, examine corruption cases in our country..... It's a shame my brother, it turns out that many who rob our country come from people whose religion is written on their ID Card: Christian/Catholic.
Let's be people like the Bible says:
Genesis 12:2
"I will make you into a great nation, and bless you and make your name great; and you will be a blessing"
It turns out that many of God's children who are blessed by God are not a blessing but instead become robbers, they robber also not half-hearted anymore. (Huh.... I'm the most excited to see these people).
Should we create a political party by carrying the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST whose name is exalted above all things? Should we sell the name of our Lord, so that we personally get power? (later.... already given the power and even corruption).
The last message from heaven:
1 Peter 2:13-14 - NIV
"By God, be submissive to every ruler of mankind: both to Caesar who is the foremost ruler,
as well as to governors appointed by Caesar to punish those who do evil and to honor those who do good."
Titus 3:1 - NIV
"Remind the members of your congregations to submit to the rulers and rulers of the state, and be obedient and willing to do every good thing"
Jesus loves you and whole your family
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