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Born Again (1)

 For newly married couples we often write on the greeting cards "Happy New Life". Well, for the couple, they indeed lead a new life before them, but what I mean in the title above is Born Again which the Bible says, namely:

 John 3: 3 - NT
Jesus replied, "Believe Me, no one can see the kingdom of God's unless they are born again"
The Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus, a Pharisee, the leader of the Jewish religion, if a person is not born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God

Born again or "new life", words that raise many questions. Like Nicodemus, there are many misunderstandings about the meaning of these words.

 John 3: 5 - NT
Jesus replied, "It is truly what I say: if a person is not born of water and the Spirit of God, that person cannot see the kingdom of God."
What Jesus means by "being born of water" is someone who is baptized. The first step to enter the kingdom of heaven is that a person must be baptized with water.
As I have written in the writings on baptism, if a person is baptized, he is stamped or sealed on his forehead and belongs to the kingdom of heaven.
This is just the initial stage of becoming a member of the kingdom of heaven. It is these baptized people who are referred to as "People who are Called", of course we know the verse "Many are called, few are chosen".

 So, if you have been baptized, don't be arrogant first, as the seal that we know can be removed, as well as the stamp/ seal that God has given us, one day it can be removed or canceled. Or in other words, "baptism is only a sign, baptism does not save".
Then what does it mean to be born in the Spirit? You may remember when John the Baptist spoke to his disciples about Jesus Christ, John said
Matthew 3:11 - NT
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but the one coming after me will baptize you in the Spirit of God and fire. He is bigger than me. I am not worthy to carry His shoes”.

So, the second step in being able to enter the kingdom of heaven is being baptized by Jesus himself with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Then how can we be baptized by the Lord Jesus? This is the problem, as written in the verse below:
John 3: 8 - NT
"The wind blows wherever it will; you hear the sound, but do not know where it comes from or where is it going. Likewise, with people who are born of the Spirit of God. "
From the verses above we can know that each person will receive the baptism of the Spirit In different ways. If we often read the testimonies of people who are called to be followers of Jesus, we will find different stories.
The characteristics of a person who has
been baptized in the Spirit from God are:
1. The person knows God personally. If previously he only knew God through the Bible, now he can know God directly, even talk to Him.

2. If in the past he had difficulty reading the Bible (he did not know the meaning of the Bible verses), now he can understand what the verses mean.

3. He becomes acquainted with the spirit world; he becomes more and more sensitive to the spiritual conditions around him.

4. He is aware of the Holy Spirit within him.
5. His life will change more and more, from loving worldly things to loving heavenly/ spiritual things

6. Increased spiritual life (praying, reading the Bible and visiting religious services)

7. There is a desire in him to serve God.

8. Always want to be close to the Creator.

9. When he commits a sin, he will feel very guilty, even if he only commits minor sins, and he will quickly ask for forgiveness for his sins.

10. The people around him can see the changes in the person's life, etc.
The essence of Baptism in Spirit is "The person who is baptized comes to know God personally"

Now, how about you, have you been praying diligently, reading the bible diligently, attending church, even serving diligently to experience this “Holy Spirit Baptism?" because only you and God know about it. Don't be like the pastor I wrote in "Are You a Follower of Jesus"
What if I haven't been baptized by God with the Holy Spirit Baptism? Well, ask God ... HE is not stingy.
Matthew 7: 7
“Ask, it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."

Jesus loves you and whole your family

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