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Choose God or Mamon (March 25, 2024)


No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Matthew 6 : 24

God, You said I can’t serve God and Mamon. A servant can only serve one master. My flesh wants to run into this world. My flesh wants a luxurious lifestyle, a nice car, a big house, designer brand clothes, glamorous parties, vacation to expensive and exotic places, and other things the world offers.

Spiritual life is a boring life for me. I must wake up to pray, I must read Your Word which when I read is very boring like a history book. Puritans with simple lifestyle, and clothes. Whose jokes are dry and not-so-funny. People who always tell about Jesus Christ who came to the world to erase all the sins of mankind who believes in Him.

God, when I live in sin. When I was living in the mire of sin, Your Holy Spirit comes to me, touched me, and pull me from this sinful world. You open my spiritual eyes and say I am Your child, why do I want to live in a puddle of filth like this?

Instantly I realized and was ashamed of myself and of You... all night I cried and regretted all my dirty and despicable behavior. God forgive me, I am a sinner. Who am I Lord? that You The Most Holy God, The Most Glorious God, wants to come to me and makes me aware of how rotten this world is.

When I repent, the devil discourage me by whispering in my ears and mind, that I am a sinner. My sins are too many and Your death in the cross can’t forgive my sins. Hearing the devil’s words, I am confused, I am afraid of God, I don’t want to go to hell. God is it true my sins are too many? Your holy blood can’t forgive me?

But The Holy Spirit reminds me of one verse, which made me rise again and believe the work of Your cross and all my sins are forgiven.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1 : 9

Thank you God for Your sacrifice on the cross. You are willing to die to atone for the sins of all who believe in You. Forgive my sins God, so that from now on I will be Your follower. I choose You, God and I will only serve You. I will make You be my Master and My God.

“To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.”

Acts 10 : 43

Jesus Christ loves you and your whole family.








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